EME is a great fun available to quite a lot of stations equipped with a single yagi antennas and no elevation capabilities. Therefore we would like to encourage you to *THINK* about Moonbouncing and try JT65B EME QSO with us, should your station meet the following parameters ( medium Meteorscatter capable station ):
- Single Yagi antenna, ca. 3 WL ( this may vary depending on other factors )
- LNA at the antenna ( remember - poor Fet is better than no Fet ! )
- Small PA - as little as 100W+ could be enough, the bigger the better of course
- Clear horizon ( azimuth ) at your Moonrise and Moonset
The smallest EME station worked to date:
WQ5S - antenna: 9el yagi, power: 50w ( yes, fifty watts ) - estimated EIRP: 1KW RXed QSO line ( 9 May 2014 ): 215500 2 -25 2.0 266 3 * SP4K WQ5S DM82 0 10 Apparently massive Ground Gain phenomena at Moonrise in WQ5S location contributed to this 'on the edge' EME QSO.
Basic online resources for an EME'r-to-be
Moon-Net Mailing List - where all the EME'rs of the Earth exchange news and information
N0UK EME Online Chat - primary resource to coordinate skeds online, excellent both for JT65 and CW
PE1L & Co. Live CQ - fine and extremely useful resource that allows you to see who and where is actually CQing over the Moon in real time
( would be nice to see you own call there ! )
PE1L EME Logger pages - The EME DXpeditions & much more - a must for serious EME DXer, learn it from the best ones!
DF2ZC 144 MHz EME NewsLetter - check what's in the press
ON4KHG webpage -where Ground Gain mystery is unraveled, one great resource for QRP EME
ON7EH webpage - another great resource for QRP EME
VK3UM webpage - everything for the technical considerations of your EME station
K1JT WSJT Software - this is THE SOFTWARE, enabling you to hear and be heard over the Moon
GM4JJJ Moonsked Software - great tool to schedule, track and do much more in your EME shack
SP4MPB Homepage - comprehensive webpage of our friend Marek SP4MPB - Top Polish VHF/UHF/SHF'er ( EME-active of course ! )